UK & Ireland Bed Sizes

Photo Credit: Des Kelly Interiors
British and Irish bed sizes are usually measured in Imperial units (feet and inches). The names King and Super King are used for the largest bed sizes rather than Queen and King.
Single Bed Size
Standard Size: 3' x 6'3" (0.91m x 1.91m)
Single beds are generally slightly narrower in the UK and Ireland than in the US.
There are two variations on the single bed size, they are the Small Single 2'6 x 6'3" (0.76m x 1.91m) and the Extra Long (XL) Single 3' x 6'6" (0.91m x 1.98m)
Double Bed Size
Standard Size: 4'6" x 6'3" (1.37m x 1.91m)
UK double beds also come in extra long 6'6" (1.98m) length.
King Bed Size
Standard Size: 5' x 6'6" (1.52m x 1.98m)
The British and Irish King size bed is the same as the Queen size from North America, Australia and New Zealand.
Super King Bed Size
Standard Size: 6' x 6'6" (1.83m x 1.98m)
UK & Ireland Super King size beds are about the same size as the Australian King size and a little smaller than North American King size.